Thursday, December 19, 2013


The British have the best words for everything: "crisps" sound so much more delightful than potato chips, "knackered" conveys more exhaustion than American words for tired, "washing up liquid" seems cleaner than dish soap, and the list goes on. My favorite Briticism of all describes exactly how I am feeling today--


It means stunned, astonished, slack-jawed with disbelief--as if some plonker jolly well smacked you right in your squidgy gob.

Monday night, things went decidedly pear-shaped between Romney and I.  As shared in my previous post, I was too bewildered by the skidding halt of our relationship to really process much.  The Tuesday that followed was one of the most incomprehensible, grief-filled 24 hours of my life. Evidently, it was no picnic for Romney, either.

We got together last night to talk over what he had been going through since our break up.

What he shared totally took my breath away.  To sum up, the sense of crisis he felt Tuesday after our break up led him to spend all of Wednesday seeking God, who came through dramatically with life-changing epiphanies.  Many things were revealed to Romney, including that he and I belong together, that our relationship is worth fighting for, and that--perhaps most miraculously--Romney really is genuinely in love with me.

There was much he shared that will remain just between the two of us, things for us to treasure and pray about and thank God for as a couple.  I can share this much with confidence: because of Romney's encounter with God, the specifics of what he shared and how he shared it, I know beyond all doubt that our relationship is deeper, stronger, and more blessed than it could have been without the heartache of its demise and the soul searching that followed it.

I'm beyond stunned, more than overwhelmed, and brimming with unspeakable awe.  It's been a roller coaster, these last 72 hours. I know it's probably overreaching, but I wonder if the 3-day time period could be more than a coincidence. I can't keep from thinking about the theme of resurrection.  Monday our relationship flatlined, Tuesday it was dead and buried, and Wednesday it was revived to more life than it had ever had. God can take something beyond hope and so breathe Himself into it that it not only comes back to life, it transcends its former state and rises to a more glorious level.

It's too bad that Godsmacked is already taken by the band, or I could claim I came up with the term to describe that feeling you get when God totally tonks your life and straight away your sixes-and-sevens are transformed to smashing brilliance, you spawny blighter!

I will close out this post with the scripture that has been ringing in my head like a beautiful bell all day...

"Behold, I make all things new."

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